May 28, 2004


Friday (today) is the equivalent to Sunday in Iraq, everyone has the day off (the contractors have a 6 day work week here). At 4pm yesterday someone tells me that if I don't schedule a ride into the Green Zone with security by 3pm that I might not be able to get one. Well, I immediately asked for one and was immediately denied because it was after 3pm (and they have a car shortage). So today I'm stuck inside all day, my housemates all split at 7am. No gym/food/people/pool on my off day. I'm stuck at home with some power bars I brought and some juice my housemates have in the 'fridge.

I started looking around the outside of the house (through the windows) and realized that I didn't see any security. I was wondering if maybe they thought the house was empty, I slept from 11pm to 11am last night and I'm brand new, and kinda took Friday off. Then I saw some local guy planting something next to the entrance we use. I was just about to call security when I heard someone in the house. Did I mention that I'm not allowed to have a gun here? Anyway, it turns out it was just my housemates coming home on the afternoon run and the guy outside was a gardener or something (security knew him). I ran outside (but not outside the courtyard) to try to catch a ride back with the PSD's but they were already gone. So I'm still stuck here all day.

Oh well, like a housemate just said: it's better to be stuck inside than stuck outside.

Posted by rick at May 28, 2004 03:33 AM