July 08, 2007

Pet Poetry 3 of 3: Ode to Lolita

(backstory: as with her sister, China, I started on Loli's poem when she fell ill and released it upon her death.)

Lolita Berhow. February 28th, 1993 - July 6, 2007

Bid-Dump. ba-dimp. Bid-Dump. ba-dimp.

Bid-Dump, there goes Loli off to have a snack
ba-dimp, here comes Loli, "pet me know, I'm back"
"Purr puurrr purrr", a sign of sleepy petting done well
Bid-Dump, there she goes again, for how long we can never tell.

For soon it's ba-dimp, Loli's back on the bed
Stalk, stalk, nudge, and Melissa scratches on her head
"Purr puuuur purrrr", a sign of sleepy loving done well
Bid-Dump, off she goes again, for how long we can never tell

For 14 years Loli ran her game with predictable routine
There were some variations but always a constant theme
For every Bid-Dump was followed by a ba-dimp, as sure as the sun would rise and set
For nothing etches itself in your heart like the motion of your pets

Bid-Dump, there goes Loli off to stalk the night
ba-dimp, here come's Loli, coming to curl up tight
Stalk, nudge, purrr, late night brushing done so well
Bid-Dump, off she goes again, for how long we can never tell

Then one eve we heard Bid-Dump, and we wondered if it was her last
Though we expected another ba-dimp like the millions in the past
Sadly, she passed this time, her big heart finally let her tail go limp
...and for evermore Melissa will sleep lighter ... listening for ba-dimp.

Posted by rick at July 8, 2007 09:36 AM